Friendship Announces Outpace COVID-19 Virtual Run/Walk in Honor of Senior Health & Fitness Day on May 27

May 15, 2020

ROANOKE, Va. (May 15, 2020) – People all over the world are coming together right now and supporting those who are most vulnerable during the Coronavirus pandemic. We've been awestruck by the love and support we have felt here at Friendship during this time!

During this challenging time, when so many of us are dealing with social distancing and isolation, we're also encouraged by all of the unique ways people are staying active and connected.

With this in mind, and in honor of National Senior Health & Fitness Day on May 27, we're excited to announce Friendship's Outpace COVID-19 Virtual Run/Walk!

Friendship's Outpace COVID-19 Virtual Run/Walk is a week-long event that will be held May 27 - June 2 to help offset the costs of Friendship's efforts to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of everyone at our campuses during these uncertain times. We're reaching out to let everyone in our community of friends, supporters, and volunteers know that this event is another unique way to stay connected and active while supporting friends.

There are a few ways to participate in Outpace COVID-19:

·       Run or walk 19 miles the week of May 27-June 2. You can run/walk these miles every day (2.7 miles a day), take a few days to do it, or if you are really motivated, do it all on one day!

·       Run or walk 1.9 miles the week of May 27-June 2. If you live or work at Friendship, we're creating some maps you can use to make sure you're reaching 1.9 miles!

·       Take 19 "steps" to help overcome the challenges of COVID-19. This could be making 19 calls to check on family and friends, sewing 19 face masks for essential workers and residents, writing 19 notes to those you love, etc.

Go to our RunSignup page,, to register today! Registration is $25, with all participants receiving a t-shirt and other prize opportunities. Whether you run, walk, sew, call, or promote this event through your social circles, know that Friendship Foundation is so grateful to have your engagement and support. We hope you'll join us to outpace COVID-19 on May 27!

If you feel moved to donate today to help offset the costs of Friendship’s efforts to keep residents and staff safe during this challenging time, please visit our giving page at We cannot overstate how especially appreciative we are of those who can make a supportive gift to Friendship Foundation at this moment in time. Thank you for your willingness to help Friendship keep pursuing its mission: supporting friends by providing peace of mind.