Friendship Resident Baptized With the Help of Friends and Friendship Team Members

March 18, 2020

Betty Shelton has been a Friendship resident since March of 2011. Prior to last year, she spent most of her days in her room watching tv. Slowly she started attending groups and making friends.

Her spiritual journey started with a friend sharing the gospel with her. Shortly after, Betty started attending bible study and asking more questions. She had a desire to learn more about Jesus!  

We're so excited to share that Betty accepted the Lord at Friendship the summer of 2019!  After her confession of faith, she decided she wanted to get baptized so she could share her faith and be a witness to others.

After her baptism, which took place in Friendship's heated pool on Thursday, March 12th, Betty expressed, “This was the best day of my life and I hope this was an encouragement to others, that they would come to know Jesus as their personal savior.”  

Congratulations Betty!  Thanks for being a shining light, providing hope, and allowing us to be part of your testimony - it's truly an honor.