Friendship Residents Live with Purpose and Give to the Greater Community

December 30, 2020

At Friendship, our mission of “supporting friends by providing peace of mind” includes the greater community around us. In recent months, Friendship has partnered with a variety of nonprofit organizations to engage residents, and to make a positive impact on our community.

"We call these outreach efforts ‘Create for a Cause’ because Friendship residents want to participate in something that has meaning outside of just arts and crafts," said Activities Coordinator Pat Walters.

Walters initiated these projects in September with “Healing Ceilings,” a partnership with the Taubman Museum of Art, in which residents painted ceiling tiles for the Pediatric Wing at Carillion. 34 beautiful tiles were created that will bring cheer to pediatric patients. Then in October, ten Friendship residents with pets led a “Howl-o-ween Parade” to entertain residents at Friendship Adult Day Care, Assisted Living, and Friendship Health and Rehab Center.

The kindness movement continued as residents put their skills and talents to help those in need. In December, Friendship’s Yarn Circle donated 55 knit blankets, hats, and scarves, which were delivered to Meals on Wheels recipients with their meals. Residents who are skilled in coloring also recently donated more than 40 works of art to the organization Color a Smile, which sends colored pictures to deployed troops, nursing home residents, and others in need of some cheer.

After RAM House’s Christmas wish list was posted in the Independent Living newsletter, residents have made numerous material donations for that organization as well.

While generosity can often go by the wayside after the holidays, Friendship’s residents are just getting started. Projects that are planned for January 2021 include a “Bag Brigade” activity to benefit clients of RAM House, during which residents will decorate paper lunch bags with art and motivational words for the 120+ homeless that are fed at RAM House daily.  Friendship Independent Living’s craft group will also begin meeting twice each month to create gifts for residents at Friendship Health and Rehab Center, Adult Day Care, and Assisted Living facilities.

“I’m proud of the many creative ways Friendship residents are supporting the greater community and one another during this challenging time,” says President and CEO Joe Hoff. “Thanks to their generous donations of time and talents, Friendship is supporting many more friends and truly making an impact within our campuses and in the Roanoke Valley.”