Friendship turns International Day of Friendship Holiday into Week-long Celebration

August 10, 2020

Friendship, a leader in senior living and rehabilitation, recently made the recognized International Day of Friendship holiday, July 30, into a week-long celebration for the organization.

“The original plan was to make the Friendship holiday our own, but our team agreed one day wasn’t enough,” said President and Chief Executive Officer Joe Hoff.  “Instead we succeeded in turning the holiday into a fun, several-day celebration that honored residents, team members, as well as community partners and contacts.”

Each day of the week focused on one of the company’s values and had a corresponding theme:

·      Accountability Monday encouraged everyone to “twin” those who hold them accountable in living out Friendship’s values.  

·      Compassion Tuesday acknowledged the community’s supernatural ability in offering compassion, so participants dressed in superhero costumes or in red.  

·      For Positivity Wednesday, participants became rays of sunshine by wearing yellow and bright colors.  

·      Respectfulness Thursday encouraged showing respect to the company’s mission of “supporting friends by providing peace of mind.”  Participants wore Friendship t-shirts and both residents and team members were given glowing Friendship bracelets to wear that day and at future events.  Human Resources treated team members with cupcakes and had frozen ice trucks come on campus.  Each team member also received an embroidered cloth mask to wear in public during off-hours.

·      Teamwork Friday celebrated the organization’s internal teamwork, as well as honoring external relationships.  Participants wore Friendship t-shirts or jerseys representing their favorite teams.  Friendship kits were also delivered to local media partners and churches, in an effort to express thanks for their partnership and help educate on the services available.

The organization also released its charitable giving report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020.  The company reported providing $11,768,594 in uncompensated care for the year.  The report also acknowledged the concern and generosity the community has received from individuals during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Friendship Week recap video is posted on the company’s Facebook page, click here to watch.  To read the latest charitable giving report, click here.