Letter from Joe Hoff, President & CEO re: COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

March 9, 2020

March 9, 2020

Hello friends,

In an effort to support you and provide peace of mind, below is a brief update on Friendship’s preparations and planning, as it relates to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).  

Our organization has taken, and will continue to take, the following measures to be proactive in keeping everyone in our community well:

·      Leaders of our various organizations have been communicating, working through policy and procedural changes, and meeting over the last week to ensure that Friendship, particularly our residents and staff, are as best protected as possible.  

·      We participated in a call last week with the Virginia Department of Health and their leading epidemiology team to learn more.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has listed Virginia as of 3/9/2020 as having confirmed cases of Coronavirus.  While more cases are anticipated in the U.S., overall the threat remains low.  We’re aware of the fluidity of the situation and are monitoring it closely.

·      Handwashing stations have been installed in the lobby of our buildings.  We’re asking ALL visitors and vendors to wash their hands prior to coming any further into the facility.  

·      Signs have been posted asking individuals not to visit if they are experiencing fever or upper respiratory complications.  They are welcome to return once he/she is symptom-free for at least 24 hours or has been cleared by a medical professional.  

·      We’ve increased housekeeping rounds, specifically cleaning contact surfaces.

·      We’re prepared to partner with our local health department, our regional healthcare coalition and our state trade association if we have suspected cases in our community.  

·      Lastly, we’ve placed a required COVID-19 tutorial on Relias for all Friendship team members.  The tutorial goes over the CDC’s recommended best practices to prevent the spread of the virus.  Facility leaders are also having all-staff meetings over the coming days to review items in-person as well.

Again, we share this information in an effort to provide you peace of mind in that we are being proactive, not to induce unnecessary fear.  Your understanding and cooperation in protecting the health of everyone here at Friendship is greatly appreciated.


Joe Hoff

President & CEO